Friday, May 30, 2008

Welcome to the US Social Marketing Plan Blog

Welcome to the US Social Marketing Plan blog. This blog supports the emerging process for the development of a strategic plan for social marketing in the US. It provides a place to share ideas and conversations about the plan.

This is just a starting place. Although more details about the plan will get posted later, you are welcome to share any preliminary thoughts and comments.

To contact me about the site or the planning process:
Robert Marshall PhD
RI Department of Health
RI Public Health Institute

1 comment:

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

I have posted some articles and links in my blog that might provide some ideas for the strategic plan of the US Social Marketing Plan. You can find the links at

I think that if your group maps poverty and public health issues, and develops a strategy where the marketing draws resources to places where problems need to be solved, and to groups working to solve them, the plan can draw support from a wide range of stakeholders.